Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hop on the Bus Gus!

Well, I did it. I woke up a tad bit late, so in my mad rush to get out the door, I forgot my book (wasn't brave enough to take the knitting) and it would have been a good idea to charge my ipod last night, but all in all it was a succesful venture taking the bus to work this morning. Chip dropped me off at the bus stop down the road, but it's not cheating, 'cause it was on his way and I totally would have missed the bus if he hadn't.
As he was leaving I saw the bus coming up the road and luckily I was the first person on the bus (7:33 AM!), so the driver could assist me, as I needed much assistance. For future reference you don't give the money to the driver, you feed the machine and get your ticket. I bought a day pass for $4. The driver said he didn't recognize me, I guess you get to know your passengers, so I piped up with, 'I'm riding the bus for Earth Day'...(go me!)..lol. After I got my ticket and succesfully swiped it (there are two ways to swipe!), I sat down and the driver asked me what Earth Day was. Ummm...caught of guard, I said 'Oh, it's been around since the 70's and it's all about recycling and using less gas'. After saying he recycles the driver then asked if I needed any info, 'cause information is free on Earth Day. I told him I was trying to get to UCF and that I thought taking the 13 from downtown was the best..he agreed and we both agreed it's going to be a long ride. I settled in for the ride downtown and was happy when we picked up more people along the way...this is what it's all about, moving lots of people. The bus was pretty full by the time we got to the central station at 8:15. I got off the bus and found the #13 bus waiting and got right on. These buses run like clockwork! At exactly 9:26, just like the schedule said, we pulled in to the main bus depot by the Education Bldg. I walked on over to Chemistry and was at work at pretty much my usual time. It was interesting to see who all rides the bus...a doctor, a teacher and several students from Glenridge Middle School, some veterans going to the VA Hospital (luckily the bus driver didn't get stuck in an infinite loop in Baldwin Park like we girls did the other week ;-), a grandma and her grandkids going to the store and me, a girl trying to consume and pollute less for a day on her way to work. I sure wish I could leave the truck at home more often, but I couldn't do this every day. 4 hours of traveling time is a bit much, but I will aim to do it at least once a month..maybe more. It's really nice to just ride and not have to focus on the road or other drivers. I could turn on some Morrissey and pretend I was headed to work in London. I have to head back to the bus stop at 4:30 to get home before too late. I'm going to check out my options to see if there's a faster route..I took the less transfers option this morning because I was a bit nervous about that. Now, I'm off to find out if anyone has an ipod charger or it's going to be a quiet 2 hour ride home.


Cindy Lynn said...

GO JENNY!!! Hooray for tackling this mystery of public transportation! Happy Earth Day :)

Danielle said...

Wow - don't know if I'd be up for all that commute time/switching buses. . here's hoping Orlando does the whole lightrail thing someday. (Did that thing ever get approved or kicked out?)

tootyshamos said...

Disney should put up a monorail system for us locals! They owe us! I think the light rail and commuter trains got partially approved, but are still years off. I didn't think it should take 2 hours to get from the Airport to UCF, but I guess I am pretty far out.

mokidoku said...

Yeah - it was a success! I'm so glad you did it, Jen! It's inspiring really (especially when I consider my own bus to work would be a fraction of the time and would include NO transfers!)! Happy Earth Day (a day late)! :)