Friday, September 19, 2008

Sleeping with cats

Now, I know that allowing the cats to sleep in the bed with us is opening us up to all manner of 'incidents'. There are the mysterious scratches you get from cats running across your back in the middle of the night and there's the uncomfortableness (is that a word?) of being pinned under the covers by these very warm 15 lb blobs that won't budge an inch..want to change your position? adjust the covers? forget it! But, even with all the inconvenience and potential hazards, I do so love to wake up to these little warm bodies all nuzzled up against me. After hitting the snooze I pet the kitties within arms reach and feel them nuzzle in closer and rev their purring engines up. It is so sweet. I may however reconsider where the cats are allowed to sleep after this morning's antics. It's 4:30 in the morning and I suddently wake up to the startling sound of a kitty getting sick and it's close...very close. I jerk my head out of the way and just miss Baby Kitty spitting up on my pillow! I think I must have subconciously heard the beginnings of her episode in my sleep (anyone who has cats or dogs for that matter, knows there is a bit of a production before one actually gets sick) and regained consciousness in just enough time to jump out of the way. Chip wakes up at this point and rushes to my aid. Pillow case is stripped off the pillow and a new one is thrown to me on the bed, where I sit in utter shock. Only the pillowcase doesn't make it to me, it lands across Willy who is sleeping at the foot of the bed. He sits up and is wearing this pillowcase, like a robe draped over him, looking rather confused. I pet his head and retrieve the case while cracking up for a minute at the absurdity of it all. I do end up having to change my nightgown as a bit of spittle got on my shoulder. The pillow is pillowcase goes on..kitties settle back in to their spots and it's off to dreamland again...for a couple more hours of snoozing. I hate to think what other horrors take place that we don't wake up to witness.